Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Nikola Tesla - untold scientist and one of intelligent person till this date.

                  Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor 
Nikolas father was priest  of the Serbian Orthodox Church. He discovered Alternating current which was dominating on Direct current which was marketed by Edison. He is also known as mysterious scientist.He plans all of his inventions in his mind before his actual experiments.
                  Nikola Tesla give tough competition to Edison. Nikola discovered Tesla coils. 
Nikola Tesla was working on concept of wireless transmission of electricity. But for his experiments heavy funding was necessary after some time in search of financier he spend lot of time. One day well known financier J.P. Morgan got attracted towards Tesla's this experiment. He decided to give funds to Tesla for this experiment . Tesla build up Wardenclyffe Tower  also known as the Tesla Tower but J.P.Morgen came to know that Tesla wants to distribute free electricity from this experiment ,due to this Morgan s company will get some loss  because Morgan's company also was dependent on electricity.                                            After success of Tesla's experiment Morgan's company get heavy loss.Hence J.P.Morgan stopped his funding. and project of Tesla get closed at its mid. If this project get. completed we should able to transmitte electricity wirelessly. He had been worked for Edison in his company Nikola Tesla was great scientist having broad view and thinking.

At the end of his life he was poor and spent time in new York hotel.

Tesla invention time line.

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